Objectives: To present a power efficient Universal Biquad Operational Transconductance Amplifier circuit. Methods: OTA (operational transconductance amplifier) based Biquad filter is analyzed using three different simulated tools three different tools (CADENCE, XILINX, ORCAD and MATLAB tools) are used for designing the circuit. The 0.18µm CMOS technique is used using the Cadence tool for plan and reproduction. The same circuit has been implemented on ORCAD tool as well as Xilinx tool. Findings: The proposed Biquad filter improves the frequency response, power dissipation and provides vary of the KHN biquadratic filter circuits it uses minimum numbers of Operational Transconductance phenomenon Amplifier (OTA) to realize an equivalent. The assorted parameters specifically Center frequency, dcgain, Bandwidth, Power Dissipation and Quality issue are all electronically tunable. OTA based Biquad filter is simulated in CADENCE Virtuoso tool. Opamp-RC Biquad filter offers a bandwidth of 425 kHz, pass band gain of zero DB, whereas Gm-C measuring system based mostly filter offers 85MHz, passband gain of zero DB. Over-all power dissipation of the Biquad filter is 4.3mW with 1.8V DC Supply has basing current of 50µA with gracefully voltage ±2.5v. by keeping the supply voltage, bias current and load capacitor as 2.5V, 50µA and 10pFrespectively, it has been seen that the power is reduced using the CADENCE virtuoso tool. Novelty : This study presents a Universal Biquadratic filter having less power dissipation. The circuit was optimized for gain, GBP, slew rate, areas, voltage offset, phase margin, power area etc. compared to all the previous filter circuits (OTA GMC filters, OTA type-C filters) designed with the help of OTA.