The faster-than-Nyquist (FTN) signalling is a bandwidth-efficient technology which has drawn attention in the bandwidth-starved world. However, inter-symbol interference is introduced by transmitting signals at a higher signalling rate than allowed by the Nyquist criterion. Decision feedback equalisation (DFE) cancellation is an efficient signal detection scheme for FTN-based communication system. However, since the DFE interference cancellation is executed by overall matrix computation, the required memory size is very large. In order to reduce the complexity of the interference cancellation process, a novel simple interference cancellation is proposed. Simulation results show that the scheme can perform better than DFE, and its complexity is very low because of the absence of QR decomposition.Introduction: Faster-than-Nyquist (FTN) signalling is a method that could potentially achieve higher capacity by introducing controlled inter-symbol interference (ISI). It was first studied by Mazo as early as 1975 [1] he showed that one can transmit the signal pulses faster than the Nyquist frequency without decreasing the Euclidian distance between any two signals, thus it can pack more data in the same bandwidth at the same energy without loss in performance compared with traditional methods. The main reason of Mazo's result did not attract much attention at that time is that the huge receiver complexity of FTN signalling.Recently, it has attracted interest in this bandwidth-starved world. In 2003, Liveris and Georghiades [2] investigated the structure of error events for binary FTN signalling when using root raised cosine (RRC) pulses, and showed that the same phenomenon occurred with RRC pulses. In 2006, Rusek and Anderson [3] investigated the lower and upper bounds of the information rates using RRC pulses for FTN schemes. In 2008, non-binary FTN was investigated in detail [4] describing a method to compute the minimum distance. Rusek and Anderson also investigated the constrained capacities for FTN [5] and compared their capacity computations with signal using orthogonal modulation. In [6], Rusek and Anderson introduced the 2D Mazo limit by packing signals in time and stacking signals in frequency together. Kim and Bajcsy in [7] analysed the information rates and their upper bounds for cyclostationary FTN signalling using additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) and continuous time ISI channels. The pulse design is presented in [8], and showed that arbitrary modulation pulses were used which not only reduce the detection complexity but also achieve the channel capacity.However, due to the inevitable ISI is introduced with the FTN signalling, and much faster symbol rate is used, the number of interference is highly increased, thus the computational complexity of removal of ISI is the main challenge for FTN signalling. So far, a number of demodulating methods have been proposed for the FTN signalling receiver. For example, maximum likelihood sequence estimation (MLSE) technique [9] and Viterbi algorithm (VA) [10], as the ...