“…(Bronson et al, 1992) 4-amino-1,2,4-6-triazole-HCl ATC Ishihada Industries (Malhi & Nyborg, 1988) 2,4-diamino-6-trichloromethyltriazine Cl-1580 American Cyanamid (Bremner & Yeomans, 1986) Dicyandiamide DCD Showa Denko y (Treweek et al, 2016) Thiourea TU Nitto Ryuso (Malhi & Nyborg, 1988) 1-mercapto-1,2,4-triazole MT Nippon No recent reference 2-amino-4-chloro-6-methylpyramidine AM Mitsui chemicals (Kumar et al, 2015) 2-sulfanilamidothiazole ST Mitsui Chemicals (Bremner & Yeomans, 1986) (Menéndez et al, 2012) 1-amide-2-thiourea ASU Nitto Chemical Ind. n (Bremner & Yeomans, 1986) Ammonium thiosulphate ATS Fertilizer (Margon et al, 2015) 3-methylpyrazole 3-MP /SKW Piesterwitz y (Barneze et al, 2015) 1H-1,2,4-triazole HPLC (Barneze et al, 2015) 5-ethylene oxide-3-trichloro- Karanjin (Datta & Adhya, 2014) Calcium carbide (Bronson et al, 1992) N (2,5 dichlorphenyl) succinic acid monoamide DCS (Skiba & Smith, 1993) Polyolefin coated urea POCU (Delgado & Mosier, 1996) 3,4 dimethylpyrazol succinic acid DMPSA Eurochem (Pacholski et al, 2016) Potassium thiosulfate KTS fertilizer (Cai, 2018) The effect of nitrification inhibitors is strongly influenced by soil and soil moisture contents. In some experiments nitrification inhibitors were completely ineffective (van der Weerden et al, 2016;Nauer et al, 2018).…”