We studied orientational fluctuations in a smectic-C Langmuir monolayer. Our measurements of orientational correlations are in excellent agreement with theoretical predictions. In addition, we present the first measurements of orientational elasticity and viscosity in a two-dimensional system whose density can be varied. The orientational viscosity strongly depends on temperature and density, changing by more than an order of magnitude with a 2.5% increase in temperature or a 20% change in density. The orientational elasticity is only weakly dependent on temperature and density.[S0031-9007 (97)03853-2] PACS numbers: 61.30.EbLangmuir monolayers, i.e., monolayers of amphiphilic molecules at an air-water interface, have long been studied as model two-dimensional systems [1]. As a function of temperature and surface pressure, Langmuir monolayers display a variety of phases; x-ray scattering [2-4] and microscopy [5][6][7][8] experiments have revealed the microscopic structure of many of these phases. Recently an amphiphilic substance was identified that exhibits a 2D smectic-C phase [8] characterized by quasilong-range orientational order and short-range positional order. The molecules in this phase are tilted from the surface normal; their projection onto the interface defines a 2D director fieldn͑r͒ ͓sin w͑r͒, cos w͑r͔͒, where w is the angle that the projection makes with an arbitrarily defined x axis. One interesting property of a 2D smectic-C liquid crystal is that there are strong orientational fluctuations inn͑r͒. Earlier studies have used freely suspended liquid crystal films as a model for 2D smectics [9][10][11][12][13]. Compared to freely suspended liquid crystal films Langmuir monolayers have the advantage that their density can be varied.The orientational fluctuations in a 2D nematic phase were studied theoretically by de Gennes [14] and by Van Winkle and Clark [10]. In particular, they obtained an expression for the mean-square difference s 2 ͑r, t͒ in orientation angle w, where s 2 ͑r, t͒ ϵ ͗jw͑0, 0͒ 2 w͑r, t͒j 2 ͘. In the absence of disclinations, the change in the free energy of a 2D nematic due to nonuniformities in n͑r͒ is given by [10]