Tetracyclines are aromatic polyketides biosynthesized by bacterial type II polyketide synthases. The amidated tetracycline backbone is biosynthesized by the minimal polyketide synthases and an amidotransferase homologue OxyD. Biosynthesis of the key intermediate 6-methylpretetramid requires two early tailoring steps, which are cyclization of the linearly fused tetracyclic scaffold and regioselective C-methylation of the aglycon. Using a heterologous host (CH999)/vector pair, we identified the minimum set of enzymes from the oxytetracycline biosynthetic pathway that is required to afford 6-methylpretetramid in vivo. Only two cyclases (OxyK and OxyN) are necessary to completely cyclize and aromatize the amidated tetracyclic aglycon. Formation of the last ring via C-1/C-18 aldol condensation does not require a dedicated fourth-ring cyclase, in contrast to the biosynthetic mechanism of other tetracyclic aromatic polyketides, such as daunorubicin and tetracenomycin. Acetylderived polyketides do not undergo spontaneous fourth-ring cyclization and form only anthracene carboxylic acids as demonstrated both in vivo and in vitro. OxyF was identified to be the C-6 C-methyltransferase that regioselectively methylates pretetramid to yield 6-methylpretetramid. Reconstitution of 6-methylpretetramid in a heterologous host sets the stage for a more systematic investigation of additional tetracycline downstream tailoring enzymes and is a key step toward the engineered biosynthesis of tetracycline analogs.Tetracyclines are aromatic polyketides biosynthesized by soil-borne Streptomyces bacteria (1, 2). It is well known that the carbon skeleton of an aromatic polyketide is assembled through stepwise decarboxylative condensation of malonate equivalents catalyzed by the minimal PKS, 2 which consists of a ketosynthase/chain length factor heterodimer (KS-CLF or KS ␣ -KS  ), an acyl-carrier protein (ACP), and a malonyl-CoA:ACP acyltransferase (3). Dedicated tailoring enzymes transform the highly reactive poly--ketone backbone into fused, richly substituted compounds (4). The biosynthesis of tetracyclines has been studied using blocked mutants of the chlorotetracycline producer Streptomyces aureofaciens (5-11). However, the underlying enzymology of several key tailoring steps that give rise to its structural features remain unresolved, including cyclization of the tetracyclic scaffold and C-methylation of C-6 to afford the key intermediate 6-methylpretetramid (Fig. 1). The oxytetracycline (oxy) biosynthetic gene cluster from Streptomyces rimosus has been completely sequenced, hence allowing a thorough investigation of the biochemical basis of these features (12-16).During tetracycline biosynthesis, the C-9 reduced decaketide backbone first undergoes C-7/C-12 intramolecular aldol condensation to fix the regioselectivity of the D ring followed by three sequential cyclization reactions to form a fully aromatized, tetracyclic intermediate pretetramid (Fig. 1). Biosynthesis of aureolic acids such as mithramycin presumably follows identical c...