Remobilization of inorganic phosphate (P i ) within a plant is critical for sustaining growth and seed production under external P i fluctuation. The barley (Hordeum vulgare) transporter HvPHT1;6 has been implicated in P i remobilization. In this report, we expressed HvPHT1;6 in Xenopus laevis oocytes, allowing detailed characterization of voltage-dependent fluxes and currents induced by HvPHT1;6. HvPHT1;6 increased efflux of P i near oocyte resting membrane potentials, dependent on external P i concentration. Time-dependent inward currents were observed when membrane potentials were more negative than 2160 mV, which was consistent with nH + :HPO 4 22 (n . 2) cotransport, based on simultaneous radiotracer and oocyte voltage clamping, dependent upon P i concentration gradient and pH. Time-and voltage-dependent inward currents through HvPHT1;6 were also observed for SO 4
22, and to a lesser degree for NO 3 2 and Cl
2, but not for malate. Inward and outward currents showed linear dependence on the concentration of external HPO 4 22 , similar to low-affinity P i transport in plant studies. The electrophysiological properties of HvPHT1;6, which locates to the plasma membrane when expressed in onion (Allium cepa) epidermal cells, are consistent with its suggested role in the remobilization of P i in barley plants.