Beam Collection Efficiency (BCE ), sidelobe level outside the receiving area (CSL), and cost are need to be considered in optimizing the transmitting array of a Microwave Wireless Power Transmission (MWPT) system. To solve the problem of too low BCE caused by dividing a small number of subarrays, this paper proposes a novel one-step subarray partition algorithm named Multi-Particle Multi-Parameter Dynamic Weight Particle Swarm Optimization Subarray Partition (MPMP-DWPSO-SP). The algorithm optimizes the position and structure of each element at the same time, and the number of the subarrays is no more than 4. It is verified by simulation that the BCE obtained by using this algorithm to optimize the Sparse Quadrant Symmetrical Rectangular Array (SQSRA) with an aperture of 4.5λ × 4.5λ and the array element number of 8 × 8 can reach more than 90%. In addition, a new intelligent optimization model is designed for dividing the 8 × 8 array into 2 subarrays, and BCE and CSL can reach 91.69% and −17.61 dB.