Glutamate receptor-mediated excitotoxicity is a common pathogenic process in many neurological conditions including epilepsy. Prolonged seizures induce elevations in extracellular glutamate that contribute to excitotoxic damage, which in turn can trigger chronic neuroinflammatory reactions, leading to secondary damage to the brain. Blocking key inflammatory pathways could prevent such secondary brain injury following the initial excitotoxic insults. Prostaglandin E2 (PGE 2) has emerged as an important mediator of neuroinflammation-associated injury, in large part via activating its EP2 receptor subtype. Herein, we investigated the effects of EP2 receptor inhibition on excitotoxicity-associated neuronal inflammation and injury in vivo. Utilizing a bioavailable and brain-permeant compound, TG6-10-1, we found that pharmacological inhibition of EP2 receptor after a one-hour episode of kainate-induced status epilepticus (SE) in mice reduced seizurepromoted functional deficits, cytokine induction, reactive gliosis, blood-brain barrier impairment, and hippocampal damage. Our preclinical findings endorse the feasibility of blocking PGE 2 /EP2 signaling as an adjunctive strategy to treat prolonged seizures. The promising benefits from EP2 receptor inhibition should also be relevant to other neurological conditions in which excitotoxicityassociated secondary damage to the brain represents a pathogenic event.