Abstract-The cardiac conduction system consists of distinctive heart muscle cells that initiate and propagate the electric impulse required for coordinated contraction. The conduction system expresses the transcriptional repressor Tbx3, which is required for vertebrate development and controls the formation of the sinus node. In humans, mutations in Tbx3 cause ulnar-mammary syndrome. Here, we investigated the role of Tbx3 in the molecular specification of the atrioventricular conduction system. Expression analysis revealed early delineation of the atrioventricular bundle and proximal bundle branches by Tbx3 expression in human, mouse, and chicken. Tbx3-deficient mice, which die between embryonic day 12.5 and 15.5, ectopically expressed genes for connexin (Cx)43, atrial natriuretic factor (Nppa), Tbx18, and Tbx20 in the atrioventricular bundle and proximal bundle branches. Cx40 was precociously upregulated in the atrioventricular bundle of Tbx3 mutants. Moreover, the atrioventricular bundle and branches failed to exit the cell cycle in Tbx3 mutant embryos. Finally, Tbx3-deficient embryos developed outflow tract malformations and ventricular septal defects. These data reveal that Tbx3 is required for the molecular specification of the atrioventricular bundle and bundle branches and for the development of the ventricular septum and outflow tract. Our data suggest a mechanism in which Tbx3 represses differentiation into ventricular working myocardium, thereby imposing the conduction system phenotype on cells within its expression domain. Key Words: Tbx3 Ⅲ conduction system Ⅲ atrioventricular bundle Ⅲ bundle branches Ⅲ development T he cardiac conduction system is responsible for the initiation, coordination, and propagation of the electric impulse. The impulse is initiated in the sinus node, delayed in the atrioventricular (AV) node, and then rapidly propagated by the AV bundle (bundle of His), bundle branches, and the peripheral conduction system to activate the ventricular working myocardium from apex to base. Disorders of the conduction system, including sinus node dysfunction and AV block, occur commonly and may cause life-threatening arrhythmias requiring pacemaker implantation or treatment with antiarrhythmic medication. Congenital heart defects and gene mutations significantly contribute to conduction system disorders. [1][2][3] Since the anatomic identification of the conduction system components 100 years ago, knowledge regarding their development, morphology, and physiological function has increased steadily. 4 -10 However, insight into the molecular and genetic underpinnings of the specification and formation of the conduction system is very limited. Human and mouse studies have identified cardiac homeobox factor Nkx2-5, T-box transcription factor Tbx5, Id2, and bone morphogenetic protein signaling as important molecular components for the formation of the AV conduction system [11][12][13][14][15] and Tbx3 as a critical factor in the formation of the sinus node. 14 Tbx3 is a T-box transcription factor in...