INTRODUCTION: Implantation of a total artifi cial heart is an alternative to durable biventricular assist device support in selected patients. We present our initial experience with the implantation of the SynCardia total artifi cial heart (TAH) in three patients. The fi rst patient, was the fi rst SynCardia (TAH) implantation in the Visegrad Four (V4) countries METHOD: Three patients with severe refractory end stage biventricular heart failure listed for heart transplant were indicated for SynCardia TAH implantation RESULTS: We present in details the perioperative and postoperative outcomes of these patients. The fi rst and the third patient, after 195 and 126 days of TAH support respectively, had a successful heart transplants, the second patient died on 11th postoperative day. The cause of death was brain bleeding due to ruptured undiagnosed brain aneurysm. CONCLUSION: SynCardia TAH is an alternative therapy in patients with end-stage biventricular heart failure waiting for heart transplantation. The SynCardia TAH with pulsatility resembles the physiologic circulation, improves the condition of the patients and increases survival compared to the biventricular assist devices. It is an intermediate step until the development of genetically modifi ed animal hearts, engineered bioartifi cial hearts or hearts from induced pluripotent stem cells that would replace the failing heart in the patients with end-stage heart disease (Tab. 2, Fig. 1, Ref. 27).