Bridging coordination is a principal mode for the activation of CO by metal cluster complexes which may model the intermediates of CÀO cleavage in FischerÀTropsch synthesis. 1 A variety of bridging coordination modes for CO range from the simple μ-CO fashion to the complex μ 4 ,η 2 -CO linkage. 2 Two bonding features of μ 4 ,η 2 -CO, I 3 and II, 4 were previously characterized in coordination to a butterfly M 4 framework, while the coordination mode III has the oxygen atom linked to oxophilic early transition metals. 5 The bonding mode IV is attractive, 6 since the cluster framework appends a strongly coordinating phosphine group and a weakly coordinating η 2 -carbonyl group that can portray hemilabile coordination properties to alter the activity of the bound metal centers and may find an application in homogeneous catalytic systems. 7The tetrahedral cluster Cp 4 Fe 4 (CO) 4 , originally reported by King, 8 has been the subject of numerous research papers. 9À13 Thus far, most of the effort has been directed to the functionalization of the cyclopentadienyl groups of Cp 4 Fe 4 (CO) 4 with organic fragments or ligands such as alkyl, aryl, thiol, acetyl, formyl, phosphine, and terpyridine. 10,11 In contrast, the coordinating viability of the μ 3 -CO groups is seldom explored. Now we wish to report that the phosphine-functionalized cluster Cp 3 Fe 4 (CO) 4 -(C 5 H 4 PPh 2 ) (1) can act as a PÀO chelating agent to bind latetransition-metal ions bearing the bonding mode IV.
' RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONCp 3 Fe 4 (CO) 4 (C 5 H 4 PPh 2 ) (1) was prepared according to the literature method by sequential treatment of Cp 4 Fe 4 (CO) 4 with LiN(Pr i ) 2 and PPh 2 Cl at low temperature. 10b Compound 1 presents two 13 C resonances at δ 291.4 and 290.5 in a 1:3 ratio for the μ 3 -carbonyl groups, a 31 P resonance at δ À19.0 for the phosphorus atom, and 1 H resonances at δ 4.76 for Cp and δ 4.68 and 4.58 for C 5 H 4 groups. The reaction of 1 and [Pd(NCMe) 4 ]-(BF 4 ) 2 in a ratio of 2:1 was carried out in dichloromethane at room temperature to produce the air-stable, dark green crystalline solid cis-[Pd(Cp 3 Fe 4 (CO) 4 (C 5 H 4 PPh 2 )) 2 ](BF 4 ) 2 (2) in 92% yield after adding n-hexane (Scheme 1). The FAB mass spectrum of 2 displays an ion peak at around m/z 1753 corresponding to the [M À BF 4 À ] + fragment. The 31 P{ 1 H} NMR spectrum shows a sharp singlet at δ 38.8, which is 58 ppm downfield of the signal for the free ligand 1. The 13 C{ 1 H} NMR spectrum presents two carbonyl resonances at δ 339.8 and 284.5, with the former deshielded signal correlating to an η 2 ,μ 4 -CO group. 3À5 Overall,