Cells acclimate to fluctuating environments by utilizing sensory
circuits. One common sensory pathway used by bacteria is two-component signaling
(TCS), composed of an environmental sensor (the sensor kinase, SK) and a
cognate, intracellular effector (the response regulator, RR). The squid symbiont
Vibrio fischeri uses an elaborate TCS phosphorelay
containing a hybrid SK, RscS, and two RRs, SypE and SypG, to control biofilm
formation and host colonization. Here, we found that another hybrid SK, SypF,
was essential for biofilms by functioning downstream of RscS to directly control
SypE and SypG. Surprisingly, although wild-type SypF functioned as a SK
in vitro, this activity was dispensable for colonization.
In fact, only a single non-enzymatic domain within SypF, the HPt domain, was
critical in vivo. Remarkably, this domain within SypF
interacted with RscS to permit a bypass of RscS’s own HPt domain and
SypF’s enzymatic function. This represents the first in
vivo example of a functional SK that exploits the enzymatic
activity of another SK, an adaptation that demonstrates the
elegant plasticity in the arrangement of TCS regulators.