Even with basic cardiovascular lectures, undergraduates do not usually experience the reality of palpation and, therefore, cannot integrate their physiological knowledge. We created a pulse training scenario of human patient simulators (HPS) to recognize and assess the normal and arrhythmic pulse of the radial artery. All 25 participants were recruited as volunteers to the study from the School of Allied Health Sciences, Kitasato University. Participants received training in radial palpation of arrhythmias on HPS. The test scenario included 10 arrhythmic pulses combined with normal pulses and weak pulses. The average examination scores significantly improved, from 23.8 ± 2.8 of the pretest to 72.9 ± 3.4 of the posttest (mean and SE, N = 25, p < 0.00001). A questionnaire and general written comments for the palpation training were positive. The palpation training improved the participants' assessment of radial pulses.