“…It should be noted that in the barrier region, that is, within the energy range [0, U ], the number of the allowed bands in each following sequence is subjected to the Fibonacci rule: Z n = Z n‐1 + Z n‐2 , namely, the number of zones for the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th …, generations are equal to 2, 4, 6, 10…, respectively. - For the stronger quasi‐periodic factor, that is, for greater difference between the values of U A and U B , we observe the following changes in the trace‐map: 1) more significant reduction of the allowed bands; 2) a shift of the bands toward higher energies. It differs greatly from the graphene‐based SL, in which the trace map composition (i.e., mutual arrangement of bands) does not change with amplification of the quasi‐periodic factor (there is no shift of the bands, see, e.g.,).