Capillaria copyschi sp. nov. is described from Copyschus c. saularis.Capillaria copyschi sp. nov. T h e material available consisted of two male worms, the heads of which were missing, and a number of complete females.Host: Copyschus c. saularis. Location: Small intestine.
Desmip,hionBody very slender (Fig. 51, covered by a series of cuticular bosses. Oesophageal portion (Fig. 1) shorter and slightly thinner than posterior portion. Vulva near to mid-body just behind junction of oesophagus and intestine, provided with a protrusibtt: funnel-shaped cuticular appendage (Fig. 7), and with the cuticle of the body inflated anterior and posrerior to the vulva. Posterior end of female cylindrical and rounded. Anus (Fig. 6) subterminal. Egg barrelshaped (Fig. 8) and thiclr; plugs very h r~a d ;innermost egg shcIl bent t o form collar; outer shell with reticulation.Caudal end of male provided with rounded bursalike membrane, supported 1Manuwript remived May 20, 19m. Contribt~tion from the Institute of PawsitoIow, McG11 University, Macdonald College P.O., Que., Canada. The parasites u y whirh this paper is bared were collected by Ilr-Robeit