The potential of jet noise shielding from the Hybrid Wing Body (HWB) airplane is investigated in subscale experiments. The jet nozzle had a bypass ratio 10 and was operated at realistic takeoff exhaust conditions using helium-air mixtures. The shield, fabricated from a thin flat plate, had the generic shape of the HWB planform. Redistribution of the jet noise source is essential for achieving substantial noise reduction. Devices used to alter the jet noise source comprised chevrons (in mild and aggressive configurations) and a number of porous wedge fan flow deflectors. Using the estimated cumulative (downward plus sideline) EPNL reduction as a figure of merit, shielding of the plain nozzle yields a 2.4 dB reduction. Application of the aggressive chevrons increases the reduction to 6.5 dB, while the best wedge configuration improves this figure to 6.9 dB. Combination of wedge and aggressive chevrons yields a benefit of 7.6 dB. Examination of high-definition noise source maps shows a direct link between the insertion loss and the axial location of peak noise source. The aggressive chevrons cause an abrupt contraction of the noise source length at Strouhal number Sr=1.2, while the wedge induces a gradual contraction with increasing frequency. As a result, the insertion loss with the aggressive chevrons is stronger than with the wedge. However, because the wedge is inherently quieter than the chevrons, it gives a slightly better overall benefit. Surveys of the mean flow field show that the wedge, and its combination with chevrons, produces a significant reduction in the potential core length. On the other hand, the chevrons alone induce modest changes in the length of the high-speed region of the jet. Therefore, the mean velocity field by itself cannot provide useful information for inferring the noise source length for these complicated flows.