The government of Karnataka in India introduced the Indira Canteen program, a significant initiative focused on tackling food security issues and delivering affordable and healthy meals to urban inhabitants. Indira Canteen program contributes to the broader goal of sustainable urban development by addressing the interconnected challenges of poverty, malnutrition, and inequality. This research paper offers a thorough evaluation of the food quality served at Indira Canteen establishments in Bangalore. Employing a multi- pronged research approach that encompasses nutritional analysis, hygiene assessment, taste appraisal, and surveys to gauge customer contentment, the study scrutinizes how well the program fulfills its aims and safeguards the welfare of its clientele. The data reveals that 27% of the respondents visit Indira Canteen on a daily basis, 37% of the respondents choose Indira Canteen because of its affordable prices, and 32% of the respondents also prefer the good quality of food provided by the Indira Canteen.