The series Li(Mn Ni1_ )2_O2 for x s 1.33 and 0.38 y 0.50 shows a very close relationship to its parent series LiNi202. The refineà lattice parameters for at least 0.93 x 1.26 are a linear function of the concentration ratio Li/(Mn + Ni) which in turn is proportional to the averaged valence state of the transition metals. Li(Mn9Ni1_9)202 is able to reversibly coprecipitate/reinsert Li20 and release/absorb 02. This self-regulation mechanism seems to always adjust the number of cations to an undisturbed oxygen sublattice according to the rule "cations/anions = 1," which holds true at least for temperatures up to 800°C and oxygen partial pressures above i0 atm. Samples prepared in air and under 02 did not show nucleation of Li20, not even for x> 1.0. The series Li(Mn6Ni1_6)202 where 0.38 y 0.50 crystallizes in a rhombohedral unit cell (space group R3m) for x < 1.15 and transforms into a single monoclinic phase (space group C2/c) for x> 1.25. The similarity between LiNi2_02 and Li,(Mn0Ni1_9)202 strongly suggests a rhombohedralcubic transition at x 0.6 for the latter series. Derived from the linear dependence of the X-ray density on the stoichiometric parameter x, an equation was found with which the lithium concentration of Li(Mn9Ni,_0)202 thin film phases over the entire range 0 x 1.33 can be determined accurately without extensive ion-beam analysis. XPS measurements on a film with the bulk stoichiometry Li110Mn039Ni05102 gave evidence for Mn4 and Mn3, but no indication was found for nickel valence states other than Ni2. In order to meet the above-given stoichiometry, the averaged nickel valence state had to increase with film depth. lnfroduction In recent years, LiNiO2 has been used as a cathode material in high-voltage lithium-ion and lithium batteries.1-4 Electrochemical experiments, however, showed that a slight deviation from the ideal starting stoichiometry LiNiO2 resulted in a poor cell performance caused by Ni2 defects on Li sites.5 Moreover, upon extensive lithium deintercalation wherein x in LiNi02 approaches zero and the nickel valence state comes close to its maximum of +4, nickel ions migrate from their nickel layer sites into the vacancies of the lithium layers. Such nickel migration creates severe diffusional limitations to lithium reinsertion thereby reducing cell performance. 6 These drawbacks stimulated our research on the partially substituted manganese derivatives of LiNiO2, namely, Li(Mn.4Ni1_9)202. In particular, it was felt that the introduction of Mn" "buffer ions," which easily form under typical solid-state preparation conditions such as annealing at 700°C in air; would lift the electrochemically detrimental effect Ni2-defects impose on chemically prepared LiNiO2 cathodes. That is, Mn" ions could help balance the two oxygen anions without the need of Ni2 occupying Li sites. * Electrochemical Society Active Member. The purpose of this paper is to describe the synthesis and characterization of Li(Mn0Ni10)202 in thin-film and bulk forms. Our electrochemical studies of the thin films are reporte...