J.-L. GALINIER, M. DIKSIC, and L. YAFFE. Can. J. Chem. 55,3609 (1977). Cross sections for the independent formation of 76As and 78As, for the partially cumulative formation of 77As and 77Ge, and the cumulative formation of 79As, 78Ge, and 75Ge formed in the fission of 238U by protons of energies 35-85 MeV have been determined. Charge dispersion curves have been obtained. Values of (Z, -Z,) and full-widths at half-maximum of the curves show that the behaviour of these light-mass products is the same as their complementary fragment (A z 152). This is inconsistent with values found at A = 96. Chem. 55,3609 (1977). On mesure les sections efficaces pour la formation independante de 76As et 78As, la formation cumulative partielle de 77As, 77Ge, ainsi que pour la formation cumulative de 79As, 78Ge et 75Ge issus de la fission de Z38U par des protons ayant des energies comprises entre 35 et 85 MeV. Des courbes de distribution de charge sont ainsi obtenues. Les valeurs de ( Z , -Z,) et les largeurs a mi-hauteur de ces courbes indiquent que les produits ayant des masses legeres se comportent de la meme maniere que leurs complements lourds ( A z 152). Ceci est en desaccord avec les valeurs trouvtes a A = 96.
[Traduit par le journal]
IntroductionCharge distribution in the fission of heavy nuclei has been the object of numerous studies. In the 20-85 MeV range, the McGill group has produced a substantial body of experimental data, particularly for the proton fission of 238U (1-7). Charge dispersion curves have been found to be adequately represented by a Gaussian distribution. The study of the dependence of charge distribution parameters on the excitation energy imparted to the target nucleus shows that, for a given mass chain, Z,, the most probable charge, moves towards stability with increasing incident energy, whereas the width of the distributions increases correlatively. Both effects are found to be more pronounced in the heavy partner (1, 4) than in the light one (3) when one considers the type of asymmetric mass split which is most probable ( Z = 55 and Z = 38 regions respectively). Symmetric mass divisions yield intermediate results so far as the rate of displacement of Z, is concerned (6). Recent results obtained show that in the case of very asymmetric fission, changes in Z,, are less sensitive to increases in incident energy and that only narrow charge distribution curves are compatible with the