errors on p are estimated by the authors 12 to be ±0.02, due mainly to the subtraction of radiativetails. Finally the fact that for x >0.1 the nucleus does indeed behave like a noninteracting collection of protons and neutrons suggests that if scaling is valid, high-Z targets can be used for the study of muon-nucleon scattering at very high energies.We are indebted to the staff of the Brookhaven National Laboratory alternating-gradient synchrotron for their support and to Mr.W. Atwood, private communication. This fit to the Several experiments have been* performed in recent years to check the validity of quantum electrodynamics (QED) by x-ray transitions in muonic atoms, where the vacuum polarization is the largest QED correction. 1 " 4 One of these experiments 2 showed significant deviations from calculations for energies above 400 keV, the experimental values being smaller than the calculated ones. The measurement of Ref. 3 seemed structure function vW 2 p is almost equivalent to that of V. Rittenberg and H. R. Rubinstein, Phys 0 Lett. 35B, 50 (1971), and that of M. Breidenbach and J. Kuti, PhySo Lett. 41B, 345 (1972). 5 R 0 M. Sternheimer, Phys 0 Rev. J^, 511 (1956); P. Mo Joseph, Nucl. Instrum 0 Methods 75, 13 (1969). If E Q and E Q ' axe the true incident and scattered muon energies andE andl?' the observed energies, then v =£ 0 -E 0 ' =E-E' -<5, where 6 is the energy loss for a muon traversing the entire length of the target 0 6 L. W. Mo and Y. S. Tsai, Rev. Mod. Phys. 41, 205 (1969). 7 E. J. Moniz et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. .26, 445 (1971). 8 D 0 O. Caldwell et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 213, 1256 (1969); G 0 Ro Brookes et al, Phys. Rev. D8, 2826 (1973). 9 D. Schildknecht, Nucl. Phys 0 B66 , 398 (1973).The large unexplained deviations of the experimental muonic 4-3 transitions in Ba and 5-4 transitions in Pb from calculations were found not to be existent. The absolute energies of these transitions agree, on the average, with theory to within 10 eV: The differences between experimental and calculated energies E aSc -^E eiiip are +2± 13 and -2 ± 12 eV for the ju'-Ba #5/2-3rf 3 / 2 and 4^7/2~3^5/ 2 transitions, respectively, and 10 ±16 and -13 ± 14 eV for the jiT-Pb 5g