Abstract. The radionuclides 73 As, 88 Y and 153 Sm are of considerable significance in environmental and biological research as well as in internal radiotherapy. Cross section measurements related to the n.c.a. production of these radionuclides were carried out for the nuclear reactions nat Ge(p,xn) 73 As, nat Rb(α,xn) 88 Y and 150 Nd(α,n) 153 Sm, using protons and alpha particles of energies up to 100 MeV and 26.5 MeV, respectively. The excitation function of the 150 Nd(α,n) 153 Sm reaction has been measured for the first time. The existing nuclear database for the other two nuclides could be expanded and strengthened. In the case of 153 Sm additionally the 153 Eu(n,p) 153 Sm reaction cross section was measured averaged over a 14 MeV d(Be) neutron spectrum. The calculation of thick target yields was done and the production possibilities of the three radionuclides were evaluated.