Cross sections for the 47 Ti(n,p) 47 Sc and 64 Zn(n,p) 64 Cu reactions have been measured for quasi-monoenergetic DD neutrons produced by the UC Berkeley High Flux Neutron Generator (HFNG). The HFNG is a compact neutron generator designed as a "flux-trap" that maximizes the probability that a neutron will interact with a sample loaded into a specific, central location. The study was motivated by interest in the production of 47 Sc and 64 Cu as emerging medical isotopes. The cross sections were measured in ratio to the 113 In(n,n') 113mIn and 115 In(n,n') 115mIn inelastic scattering reactions on co-irradiated indium samples. Post-irradiation counting using an HPGe and LEPS detectors allowed for cross section determination to within 5% uncertainty. The 64 Zn(n,p)
64Cu cross section for 2.76
+0.01−0.02 MeV neutrons is reported as 49.3 ± 2.6 mb (relative to 113 In) or 46.4 ± 1.7 mb (relative to 115 In), and the 47 Ti(n,p) 47 Sc cross section is reported as 26.26 ± 0.82 mb. The measured cross sections are found to be in good agreement with existing measured values but with lower uncertainty (<5%), and also in agreement with theoretical values. This work highlights the utility of compact, flux-trap DD-based neutron sources for nuclear data measurements and potentially the production of radionuclides for medical applications.