Within the nuclear DFT approach, we determined the magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole moments for paired nuclear states corresponding to the proton (neutron) quasiparticles blocked in the π11/2 − (ν13/2 + ) intruder configurations. We performed calculations for all deformed openshell odd nuclei with 63 ≤ Z ≤ 82 and 82 ≤ N ≤ 126. Time-reversal symmetry was broken in the intrinsic reference frame and self-consistent shape and spin core polarizations were established. We determined spectroscopic moments of angular-momentum-projected wave functions and compared them with available experimental data. We obtained good agreement with data without using effective g-factors or effective charges in the dipole or quadrupole operators, respectively. We also showed that the intrinsic magnetic dipole moments, or those obtained for conserved intrinsic timereversal symmetry, do not represent viable approximations of the spectroscopic ones.