539.294Longitudinal relaxation of spin systems (S = 1, 3/2, 3) containing isolated quadrupolar nuclei are studied. The characteristic features of the relaxation behavior are identified in strong magnetic fields in the presence of chemical shift anisotropy. Two mechanisms are established that favor involvement of high rank multipoles in the relaxation process: an autocorrelation mechanism and a cross correlation mechanism. Multipoles of odd rank are involved in the relaxation of nuclei with spin S > 1 as a result of the autocorrelation mechanism (in this case, due to quadrupole interactions). The cross correlation mechanism, due to correlations between the chemical shift anisotropy and the quadrupole interactions, favors the appearance of multipoles of even rank. Expressions are presented for the multipole cross relaxation and longitudinal relaxation rates for spin systems with S = 1, 3/2, 3.
Introduction.In studying the relaxation of quadrupolar nuclei with spin S > 1 in isotropic molecular systems, it has been observed [1] that in the slow molecular motion region, multipoles of high rank are involved in the relaxation process. This leads to multiexponential decay of the corresponding curve. It has been shown that decay of the magnetization is described by (S + 1/2)-exponential functions for half-integral spin and by S exponents for integral spin [1]. It has been demonstrated in [2,3] that in spin systems with S = 3/2, 5/2, and 7/2, the effect of multipoles depends on the parameters of the pulse sequences used and on the initial magnetization state. Analysis of the results of experiments carried out in different magnetic fields has led to contradictory conclusions even when studying the same sample. The effect of high rank multipoles on the lineshape and longitudinal relaxation of spin S = 3 has been studied as a function of the molecular motion correlation time [4,5]. For a sample of Na 2 B 12 H 11 SH (BSH) 95% enriched in 10 B and dissolved in glycerol, where the condition for slow molecular motion ω 0 τ c > 1 is satisfied over a broad temperature range in a magnetic field with induction B = 14 T ( 10 B NMR, ω 0 = 64 MHz), experimental results showed [4] that the longitudinal relaxation is described by a multiexponential function while the lineshape behaves like the lineshape for half-integral spins. In [5], the longitudinal relaxation and transverse relaxation of 10 B were studied in the same sample for a weaker magnetic field B = 11.7 T ( 10 B NMR, ω 0 = 53.73 MHz). It was shown that longitudinal relaxation is described well by a single exponent over a broad range of molecular motion correlation times. An increase in the line asymmetry is observed when comparing the NMR spectra for the 10 B nucleus that were recorded in magnetic fields of 11.7 T and 14 T. We should take into account the fact that when studying magnetic relaxation of quadrupolar nuclei in strong magnetic fields, interactions become important that are connected with the effect of chemical shift anisotropy (CSA). This question has not been previ...