Abstract.Barriers for ring inversion in 4,4-di0-, 4,4-di c.propy1-, and 4,4-pentamethylene-1,l-dimethoxycyclohexane have been evaluated using different methods (Table 1). The close parallelism of the observed effect on dGZ caused by gem. substitution in the present compounds as compared with correspondingly substituted lI3-dioxanes let to suppose that strain in rotations along C-C bonds neighbouring the substitution site may contribute to the observed trends.The barriers for topomerization (ring inversion) of three 4,4-disubstituted-1,l-dimethoxycyclohexanes were determined by NMR-technique. For this purpose the methoxysignals were studied at temperatures varying between +20and -lOO°C with a Varian HA 100 spectrometer.Samples consisted in a mixture of 500 p 1 carbon disulphide, 20 ~1 dichloromethane and 40 p l of the acetal. Temperatures were determined with a methanol sample as modified by Van Geet (1). The fast-exchange spectra show a sharp single methoxy-signal; below the coalescence temperature two equally intense signals are observed.Using the formulas of Alexander ( 2 ) (with J = 0 for the methoxysignals) a lineshape analysis was completed. This was done by iterative computer processes, comparing the calculated lineshape with experimental data such as the intensity-ratio Imax/Imin, the shift difference d v , the half bandwidth W i and finally the experimental lineshape given point by point (3). In our case the "point by point''-method failed for fast exchange signals, so that only the bandwidth method could be used for temperatures above the Tc-range. the "point by point''-method (3) account was taken for the fact that the shift difference dvOMe does not reach a constant value at low temperatures.when the effect of the exchange phenomena was outranged, a temperature dependency of Av still remained (11).
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