Magneticexperience with MRI of nine children with neuroblastoma.
Subjects and MethodsFrom January 1983 to April 1984, nine consecutive new patients with neuroblastoma were studied with MRI. In all cases, the area of the primary tumor was imaged. In addition, the liver, upper abdominal lymph nodes, and the femur bone marrow were scanned in some cases. In cases 1 , 3, 4, 6, and 7, in whom the primary tumor was not resected, repeat MRI scans were used to evaluate the tumor response to chemotherapy and radiation therapy.Eight follow-up studies were performed on these children at periods ranging from 2 weeks to 10 months from the initial diagnosis. Patients were not routinely sedated; when needed, chloral hydrate was used for sedation. Patients were fed before scanning, and those old enough to cooperate emptied their bladders. Care was taken to ensure patients were warm and comfortable when lying in the scanner. With these simple precautions, patients tolerated scanning well, with most falling asleep. In addition to the MRI, all patients had computed tomographic (CT) scans done on initial presentation. CT scans were also done with six of the eight follow-up MRI scans. In all cases, corresponding CT and MRI scans were done within 4 days of each other. MRI was performed with a Technicare 1 .5-kG scanner. Anatomic regions of interest were initially completely scanned using contiguous slices and a spin-echo (SE) technique with a pulse repetition time (TA) of either 250 or 500 msec and an echo time (TE) of 30 msec. Planes of interest were then rescanned using different pulse sequences. These pulse sequences were inversion recovery (IA) with 1400-1 500 msec TA and an inversion time (TI) of 400 or 450 msec and an additional SE sequence with 1 000 msec TA and 60 msec TE. The matrix size was 256 x 256 and slice thickness about 1 cm. Most studies were complete in 60 mm. CT scans were done on a Picker Synderdyne 600 or a Philips Tomoscan 31 0 scanner.The intensity of the tumors also was compared with the intensity of liver and muscle for each pulse sequence used. Downloaded from by on 05/11/18 from IP address