. Can. J. Chem. 60, 2113Chem. 60, (1982. Mercury-199 spin-lattice relaxation times are reported for several mercury(I1) compounds at 5.875 and 9.40T. From the field dependence of TI in Hg(CN),, Hg(CH,),, and Hg(C6H5),, 199Hg chemical shielding anisotropies of 3800,5820, and 5800ppm are calculated. The errors in these of estimates of Ao are at least 10%. Some implications of the large A c~( l~~H g ) values in high field nmr studies are discussed. RODERICK E. WASYLISHEN, ROBERT E. LENKINSKI et CHARLES RODGER. Can. J. Chem. 60,2113Chem. 60, (1982. On rapporte les temps de relaxation spin-rCseau du mercure-199 dans plusieurs composCs du mercure(I1) a 5,875 et 9,40T. A partir de I'influence du champ sur TI dans les composCs Hg(CN),, Hg(CH,), et Hg(C6H5),, on a calculC les anisotropies de blindage chimique du '99Hg qui sont respectivement de 3800, 5820 et 5800ppm. Les erreurs dans ces Cvaluations sont au moins de 10%. On discute des quelques implications des grandes valeurs A c~( l~~H g ) dans les Ctudes de rmn a haut champ.[Traduit par le journal] Introduction While investigating the high field (B, = 9.40T) I3C nmr spectra of several organomercury(I1) compounds, we observed Ig9Hg satellites due to '99Hg-13C scalar coupling which were significantly broader than the central uncoupled 13C resonance. Of the naturally occurring mercury isotopes, only Ig9Hg (natural abundance 16.84%) has a spin I = 112. Although ,OIHg has I = 312, its large quadrupole moment generally leads to extremely efficient quadrupole relaxation for this nucleus, resulting in "self-decoupling" from any spin 112 nucleus such as 13C. In this paper we show that chemical shielding anisotropy relaxation is very efficient for Ig9Hg at applied fields of 9.40 T and that this mechanism can lead to significant lg9Hg line broadening, thus broadening Ig9Hg satellites in spectra of spin 112 nuclei which are scalar coupled to Ig9Hg. Values of the lg9Hg chemical shielding anisotropy, CSA, are estimated from lg9Hg TI values measured at applied fields of 5.875T and 9.40T and the imvlications of these