. Can. J. Chem. 65, 1653 (1987). Measurements of the rate of nuclear magnetic relaxation in the rotating frame (TI,) have the potential to provide significant information not readily available by other nmr methods. Some applications to metal complex chemistry are described. The method has been applied to 5 9~o nmr and used to obtain 5 9~o -' 4~ spin-spin coupling constants for the tris(ethy1ene-diamine)cobalt(III) and hexanitrocobaltate(III) ions. The larger coupling constant in the latter compound is related to the different hybridization of the nitrogen atom. Proton T I , measurements on thiourea and its zinc complex have demonstrated that at room temperature broadening of the 'H resonance is very largely ascribable to scalar relaxation rather than to chemical exchange processes. RICHARD J. BUIST et DONALD R. EATON. Can. J. Chem. 65, 1653 (1987. Les mesures de taux de relaxation magnitique nucliaire dans le refirentiel tournant (T,,) peuvent iventuellement fournir des informations importantes qui ne sont pas facilement accessibles par d'autres mtthodes rmn. On dtcrit quelques applications a la chimie des complexes mitalliques. On a appliquk la mkthode a la rmn du 59Co et on l'a utilisie pour ditenniner les constantes de couplage spin-spin 5 9~o -' 4~ des ions tris(Cthyl~nediamine)cobalt(III) et hexanitrocobaltate(II1). On relie la constante de coupIage qui est plus grande dans le dernier compost avec une hybridation diffirente de I'atome d'azote. Des mesures de TI, sur la thiourie et son complexe de zinc ont dkmoGri que, a la temptrature ambiante, l'ilargissement de la risonance du 'H est principalement dii a une relaxation scalaire plutdt qu'i des processus d'ichanges chimiques.[Traduit par la revue] Introduction Most nrnr relaxation studies have involved measurement of either the spin-lattice relaxation time, T I , or the spin-spin relaxation time T 2 . There is, however, a third relaxation time which can be rather easily obtained using a pulsed nrnr instrument. This is the relaxation time in the rotating frame, commonly designated T I P .Measurements of this parameter can yield chemically significant information not easily obtained by other methods. The present paper describes some applications of T I P measurements to metal complex chemistry.T i p is the relaxation time of transverse magnetization measured in the presence of a strong radiofrequency field which is known as the spin-locking field ( B l ) . The basic experiment used to measure T I P is quite straightforward (1). A 90" pulse along the x axis in the rotating frame rotates the magnetization to the y axis. As soon as this pulse is completed, the phase of the radio frequency is changed by 90" so that B1 also lies along the y axis also. Since the magnetization is now in the same direction as the rf field, no torque is exerted and it remains in that direction. The spins are said to be "locked" along the y axis. This magnetization will, however, still decay and the rate at which this occurs is a measure of T I P . Since it is difficult to measure th...