A number of silylsuccinimides containing silicon substituents -H, -CH3, -C2HS, -CH=CH2, -CH2CH=CH2, -C6Hs, as well as disuccinimides, have been prepared and characterized by i.r., n.m.r., and mass spectrometry. The results are compared with previous studies of silylphthalimides.On a prkpark et caractkrisk par i.r., r.m.n., et spectre de masse un certain nombre de silylsuccinimides contenant des substituants du silicium, tels -H, -CH,, -C2H,, -CH=CH2, -CH2CH=CH2, -C,Hs, ainsi que des disuccinimides. On compare les rksultats avec des Btudes antkrieures sur les silylphthalimides.Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 49, 3456 (1971j We have previously reported the preparation and characterization by i.r. and mass spectrometry of a number of silylphthalimides (I). As a continuation of this study we now describe a variety of silylsuccinimides 1-9 listed in Table 1. Silicon substituents include -H, -CH,, -C2H5, -CH=CH,, -CH2CH=CH,, -C,H5, and compounds 8 and 9 are disuccinimides. Although a number of silylsuccinimides have been prepared previously' few details of their spectral properties or synthetic applications have been reported.Silylsuccinimides 1-9 were conveniently prepared from the corresponding chlorosilane and potassium succinimide and purified by vacuum distillation or recrystallization. In general, silylsuccinimides appeared more susceptible to hydrolysis than silylphthalimides, in particular disuccinimides, and they were handled in a vacuum system or nitrogen atmosphere. All compounds were liquids or low melting solids and, on the basis of i.r. and n.m.r. studies, compounds 1-9 are N-silylated and no evidence was found for 0-silylation.The i.r. spectra were examined in the region 4000-400 cm-l. Two bands were found in the carbonyl region. The more intense band was found in the region 1696 + 4 cm-' and may be assigned to the vibrationally coupled asymmetric mode of vibration (3) analogous to the situation in silylphthalimides where C=O (asymmetric) bands were found in the region 1700 + 7 cm-'(1). The symmetric mode was of weaker intensity and appeared at higher frequency, in the region 1764 f 4 cm-l. Values of C==O (asymmetric) 'For the preparation of N-(trimethylsilyl)succinimide see e.g. ref.2.