The coefficients of different combinations of terms of the liquid drop model have been determined by a least square fitting procedure to the experimental atomic masses. The nuclear masses can also be reproduced using a Coulomb radius taking into account the increase of the ratio R0/A 1/3 with increasing mass, the fitted surface energy coefficient remaining around 18 MeV.PACS numbers: 21.10. Dr; 21.60.Ev; 21.60.Cs To predict the stability of new nuclides both in the superheavy element region and the regions close to the proton and neutron drip lines continuous efforts are still needed to determine the nuclear masses and therefore the binding energies of such exotic nuclei. Within a modelling of the nucleus by a charged liquid drop, semimacroscopic models including a pairing energy have been firstly developed to reproduce the experimental nuclear masses [1,2]. The coefficients of the Bethe-Weizsäcker mass formula have been determined once again recently [3]. To reproduce the non-smooth behaviour of the masses (due to the magic number proximity, parity of the proton and neutron numbers,...) and other microscopic properties, macroscopic-microscopic approaches have been formulated, mainly the finite-range liquid drop model and the finite-range droplet model [4]. Nuclear masses have also been obtained accurately within the statistical Thomas-Fermi model with a well-chosen effective interaction [5,6]. Microscopic Hartree-Fock selfconsistent calculations using mean-fields and Skyrme or Gogny forces and pairing correlations [7,8] as well as relativistic mean field theories [9] have also been developed to describe these nuclear masses. Finally, nuclear mass systematics using neural networks have been undertaken recently [10].The nuclear binding energy B nucl (A,Z) which is the energy necessary for separating all the nucleons constituting a nucleus is connected to the nuclear mass M n.m byThis quantity may thus be easily derived from the experimental atomic masses as published in [11] since : MeV. The fission, fusion, cluster and α decay potential barriers are governed by the evolution of the nuclear binding energy with deformation. It has been shown that four basic terms are sufficient to describe the main features of these barriers [13,14,15,16,17,18] : the volume, surface, Coulomb and nuclear proximity energy terms while the introduction of the shell and pairing energy terms is needed to explain structure effects and improve quantitatively the results. Other terms have been proposed to determine accurately the binding energy and other nuclear characteristics : the curvature, A 0 , proton form factor correction, Wigner, Coulomb exchange correction, terms [4].The purpose of the present work is to determine the coefficients of different combinations of terms of the liquid drop model by a least square fitting procedure to the experimentally available atomic masses [11] and to study whether nuclear masses can also be reproduced using, for the Coulomb energy, a radius which takes into account the small decrease of...