Spin dynamics in Er2Ti2O7
and Er2Sn2O7
have been probed by means of muon-spin relaxation
(μ+SR) in the temperature range K. Both compounds are thought to constitute experimental realizations
of the highly frustrated XY antiferromagnet on the pyrochlore lattice, for
which theory predicts fluctuation-induced magnetic order. Our results for
are consistent with a transition into an ordered state at K, in agreement with previous neutron measurements. Below this temperature, the muon relaxation
rate λ(T)
remains large ( MHz) and temperature independent, in contrast to the behaviour in conventional magnets. The thermal
evolution of λ(T)
for Er2Sn2O7
is somewhat similar to that of the Ti material. However, the depolarization curves remain
exponential over the entire temperature range, suggesting a dense distribution of rapidly fluctuating
magnetic moments, and, thus, are compatible with the absence of long-range order at least for
T>0.02 K.