In this article, using Laplace transformation , an analytical solution is obtained for the DGLAP evolution equation at the next-to-leading order of perturbative QCD. The technique is also employed to extract, in the Laplace s-space, an analytical solution for the nuclear structure function, F A 2 (x, Q 2 ). Firstly, the results for separate nuclear parton distributions for all parton types are presented which include valence quark densities, the anti-quark and strange sea PDFs and finally the gluon distribution. Based on the Laplace transformation, the obtained parton distribution functions and the nuclear structure function in the x-space are compared with the results from the AT12 Phys. Rev. C 86, 064301 (2012) model. Our calculations are in good agreement with the available DIS experimental data as well as theoretical models which contain both small and large values of x-Bjorken variable. We compare our nuclear PDFs sets with those from other recent collaborations, in particular with the nCTEQ15 and HKN07 sets. The comparison between our results and those from the literature indicates a good agreement .