I argue that the (extended) Standard Model (SM) of particle physics and the renormalizable Feynman-Weinberg theory of quantum gravity comprise a theory of everything. I show that imposing the appropriate cosmological boundary conditions make the theory finite. The infinities that are normally renormalized away and the series divergence infinities are both eliminated by the same mechanism. Furthermore, this theory can resolve the horizon, flatness, and isotropy problems of cosmology. Joint mathematical consistency naturally yields a scale-free, Gaussian, adiabatic perturbation spectrum, and more matter than antimatter. I show that mathematical consistency of the theory requires the universe to begin at an initial singularity with a pure SU (2) L gauge field. I show that quantum mechanics requires this field to have a Planckian spectrum whatever its temperature. If this field has managed to survive thermalization to the present day, then it would be the CMBR. If so, then we would have a natural explanation for the dark matter and the dark energy. I show that isotropic ultrahigh energy (UHE) cosmic rays are explained if the CMBR is a pure SU (2) L gauge field. The SU (2) L nature of the CMBR may have been seen in the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect. I propose several simple experiments to test the hypothesis.KEY WORDS: Axiom of Choice, Axiom of Constructibility, Power Set Axiom, Large Cardinal Axioms, Continuum Hypothesis, Generalized Continuum Hypothesis, dark matter, dark energy, cosmological constant, flatness problem, isotropy problem, horizon problem, Harrison-Zel'dovich spectrum, quantum cosmology, UHE cosmic rays, varying constants, curvature singularities, singularity hypostases, finite quantum gravity, gauge hierarchy problem, strong CP problem, triviality, black hole information problem, event horizons, holography, Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect, CMBR, Penning Traps 1 arXiv:0704.3276v1 [hep-th]