. Conlplexation of methylmercury(I1) by sulfate, selenate, carbonate, sulfite, selenite, thiocyanate, selenocyanate, sulfide, and selenide in aqueous solution has been studied by proton magnetic resonance and Raman spectroscopy. Formation constants were determined for the SO$, Se042-, C032-, S032-, Se032-, Se03H-, SCN-, and SeCN-complexes from the p H dependence of the chemical shift and the 199Hg-IH spin-spin coupling constant of the methyl group of CH3Hg(II) in solutions containing both CH3Hg(II) and ligand. The chemical shift and the 199Hg-lH spin-spin coupling constant of the CH3Hg(II) in each of the complexes were also obtained from the same measurements. Proton magnetic resonance parameters were measured for several complexes with sulfide and selenide. The ligand donor atom in each of the complexes was identified using the formation constants, the I99Hg-lH spin-spin coupling constant of the complexed methylmercury and the Raman spectral data. It is of particular interest that, in the selenite complex, the methylmercury is bonded to an oxygen atom whereas sulfur is the donor atom in the sulfite complex. Chem. 54,2517Chem. 54, (1976.On a CtudiC, par rmn et par spectroscopie Raman, la complexation du mCthylmercure(l1) par les ions sulfate, sCl6nate, carbonate, sulfite, sClCnite, thiocyanate, sClCnocyanate, sulfure et s6lCnure en solution aqueuse. On a dCterminC les constantes de formation des complexes du S0,2-, Se042-, C032-, S032-, Se032-, Se03H-, SCN-et SeCN-B partir de la d6pendance des dkplacenlents chimiques sur le pH et des constantes de couplage spin-spin 199Hg-lH des groupes mkthyles du CH3Hg(II) dans des solutions contenant B la fois du CH3Hg(II) et du ligand. On a aussi obtenu, B partir des mCmes mesures, les dCplacements chimiques et les constantes de couplage spin-spin 199Hg-lH du CH3Hg(II) dans chacun des complexes. On a mesurC les paramktres rmp de plusieurs complexes avec le sulfure et le selenure. On a identifie, dans chaque complexe, l'atome agissant comnle ligand donneur en faisant appel aux constantes de formation, aux constantes de couplage spin-spin 199Hg-HI du mCthylmercure complex6 et aux donnks des spectres Raman. I1 est important de noter que dans le complexe sClCnite, le mCthylmercure est liC L l'atome d'oxygkne alors que le soufre est l'atome donneur dans le complexe sulfite.[Traduit par le journal]