Whole genomic DNA-DNA hybridization has been a cornerstone of bacterial species determination but is not widely used because it is not easily implemented. We have developed a method based on random genome fragments and DNA microarray technology that overcomes the disadvantages of whole-genome DNA-DNA hybridization. Reference genomes of four fluorescent Pseudomonas species were fragmented, and 60 to 96 genome fragments of approximately 1 kb from each strain were spotted on microarrays. Genomes from 12 well-characterized fluorescent Pseudomonas strains were labeled with Cy dyes and hybridized to the arrays. Cluster analysis of the hybridization profiles revealed taxonomic relationships between bacterial strains tested at species to strain level resolution, suggesting that this approach is useful for the identification of bacteria as well as determining the genetic distance among bacteria. Since arrays can contain thousands of DNA spots, a single array has the potential for broad identification capacity. In addition, the method does not require laborious cross-hybridizations and can provide an open database of hybridization profiles, avoiding the limitations of traditional DNA-DNA hybridization.Bacterial identification methods currently used include analysis of morphological, physiological, biochemical, and genetic data. In the last two decades, molecular methods, especially 16S rRNA gene sequencing, have been a reliable aid to the identification of diverse bacteria. Although the 16S rRNA method has served as a powerful tool for finding phylogenetic relationships among bacteria (24), because of its molecular clock properties and the large database for sequence comparison, the molecule is too conserved to provide good resolution at the species and subspecies levels (2,4,9,20,23). The relationship between 16S rRNA gene similarity and percent DNA-DNA reassociation is a logarithmic function in which the sequence similarity within a species (Ͼ70% DNA relatedness) is expected to be Ͼ98% (3), and the similarity among different species in a genus, e.g., fluorescent Pseudmonas spp., is 93.3 to ϳ99.9% (11). Considering the high sequence conservation and relative standard errors at 98 and 90% sequence similarities of 19 and 8%, respectively (5), 16S rDNA analysis results on closely related strains could be inaccurate and inconsistent with the results obtained by other methods. Incongruity between genome structure and 16S rDNA sequence similarity was also reported (8). Since many important ecological and clinical characteristics of bacteria, such as pathogenicity, competitiveness, substrate range, and bioactive molecule production, vary below the species level, methods with higher resolution than that of 16S rDNA sequencing are needed.DNA-DNA hybridization is one method that provides more resolution than 16S rDNA sequencing, and the 70% criterion (22) has been a cornerstone for describing a bacterial species. In spite of these values, the method is not popular. Major disadvantages are the laborious nature of pairwise cross-hyb...