Summary. An investigation has been made of the changes in the major phosphorus containing stubstances in Avena sativa during the first 8 days of dark germination. The endosperm, roots, and shoots were analyzed separately for acid soluble-P, phytic acid-P, inorganic-P, lipid-P, nucleic acid-P, and protein-P. Phytic acid-P comprised 53 % of the total seed phosphate, while the sum of lipid-P, nucleic acid-P and protein-P comprised 27 % of the seed phosphate. All these reserve phosphate materials were mobilized and transferred to the developinig axis. The phosphate from phytic acid appeared almost entirely as inorganic-P in the roots and shoots. A close stoichiometry existed between the rate of loss of nucleic acid-P from the endosperm and its rate -Of appearance in the roots and shoots. Thus no net synthesis of nucleic acid occurred during the 8-day period examined. The rate of synthesis of lipid-P in the roots and shoots exceeded its rate of disappearance from the endosperm during the first 4 days of germination. Protein-P increased in the roots and shoots during germination, btit at a rate less than its rate of disappearance from the endosperm. The results provide a relatively complete description of the associated with germination of oats.The major metabolic processes associated with seed germination are the mobilization of storage materials in the reserve tissule and their subsequLent transfer to and utilization by the developing embryonic axis. This mobilization, transport, and ultilization has been studied for a variety of substances (cf. 15, 23), buit primarily has been concerned with the various N-containing suibstances suich as proteins and nucleic acids. In light of the importance of various phosphorylated substances in metabolism it seemed desirable to characterize the germinatioln process with respect to the time sequence of changes in the major phosphorylated substances. Althoulgh specific aspects of phosphoruis metabolism dturing germination have been examined such as changes in phytic acid, nucleic acid, phospholipids, etc. (1, 3, 11, 20) over-all aspects of phosphorus metabolism presuimably enters into various synthetic reactioniv occuirring in the developing axis. However, the extent of this inorganic-P uitilization during (lark germination for synthetic reactions is uinclear. This stems primarily from the uncertainty of the natture of the mobilization, transfer and tutilization of other reserve phosphate containing compouinds. For example, some investigators believe that ntucleic acids are transported from reserve tissule to axis intact or as the nticleotides (13, 17, 18) while others feel that some de novo synthesis of nucleic acids does occur in the axis (4,7,11). Similarly, it is not c!ear whether phospholipids move from the reserve tissue to the axis or whether they are synthesized de novo in the axis, althotugh the latter appeared to be the case for cotton germination (5). It has also been shown that phosphoproteins occuir itn seeds (5,12,24), however, their mobilization and utilization du...