studied and widely used. Nonetheless, several drawbacks have been associated with these popular materials, such as complicated synthetic route, [34] high cost, [35] high cytotoxicity and low biocompatibility, [36] and difficulty in generalization and marketing. [37] On the other hand, among cell organelles, nucleolus plays a central role, which is localized in nucleus and responsible for RNA transcription, processing, and ribosome assembly. Recent research showed that nucleolus dysfunction was associated with a number of human diseases. [38][39][40][41] Hence, it is a critical task to develop tools for nucleolus imaging. Fluorescent probes exhibiting nucleolus precisely in living cells are particularly wanted, which are helpful for real-time monitoring the status of nucleolus under different conditions. However, this far most of available nucleolus targeting reagents are either antibodies against nucleolus proteins or overexpressed recombinant nucleolus proteins. [41] The former was very expensive and only suitable for the fixed cells, which excluded its use in living cells. The latter required sophisticated skill in molecular biology and was time-consuming. Apart from the above two options, the only commercially available nucleolus dye is SYTO RNA-Select (the only commercial dye with RNA targeting ability for nucleolus imaging). Notably, Wu and co-workers reported that certain fluorescent carbon quantum dots contained intrinsic nucleolus-targeting capability, suggesting new possibilities to develop materials for nucleolus imaging. [42] Recently, our laboratory has developed a fluorescent protein nanovessel (FPN) platform taking advantage of the supramolecular interaction between protein isomerization targeting (PIT) dyes and heated protein (e.g., bovine serum albumin (BSA)) scaffold. [43] This interaction turned on the fluorescence of PIT dyes, making these bio-abiotic hybrid materials a new organelle biomarker for living cells. Notably, PIT dyes are sensitive to various protein isomerization conditions such as protein fibrillation (unpublished data). As a new kind of bio-abiotic hybrid materials, FPNs are suitable for biological application and contain several advantages as compared to other regular biomaterials.In turn, we would like to know whether those well-known protein amyloid probes can be used as building blocks to construct FPNs. To this end, classic amyloid probe thioflavin T (ThT) was introduced into our test system. Notably, as a conventional dye, ThT has been used as an amyloid probe since 1959. This compound showed fluorescence signal when The nucleolus is responsible for RNA transcription, processing, and ribosome assembly, the dysfunction of which is associated with a number of diseases. In this report, a new member of fluorescent protein nanovessels (FPNs), constructed using thioflavin-T (ThT) and bovine serum albumin (BSA) as building blocks, is described. As a popular amyloid specific dye, ThT is nonfluorescent by itself, while its fluorescence can be lighted up upon interacting with amyloid ...