Davidonis, G. H. 1989. Fiber development in preanthesis cotton ovules. -Physiol. Plant. 75: 290-294. A tissue culture method was developed to investigate the production of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. cv. Texas Marker-1) fibers in vitro. Ovules were excised from 3, 5, 7 and 9 days preanthesis ovaries and placed on an agar-solidified, modified Murashige and Skoog medium containing 2.3 yiM kinetin and 0.45 [.iA/-2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid or 2.3 |xM kinetin and 10.7 [iM naphthaleneacetic acid. Ovules formed fibers and callus tissue. Fibers formed in vitro were up to 10 mm long, 10-22 [xm wide and the cell wall was 1-3 [xm thick. Callus tissue cells were subcultured for over 25 weeks and their degree of elongation was monitored. The ability of ovulederived cells to direct expansion in a longitudinal direction diminished, while lateral expansion increased with time in culture.