Distinctions between quark to Λ andΛ longitudinal spin transfers in the semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering process were observed by the E665 and COMPASS Collaborations. There are suggestions that the difference between Λ andΛ production is related to the asymmetric strangeantistrange distribution inside the nucleon. However, previous calculations are still too small to explain the experimental data. From a realistic consideration of quark to Λ fragmentation due to different flavors, we investigate the strange quark contribution for Λ production and polarization. We find that the strange quark-antiquark asymmetry of the nucleon sea can be amplified into an observable quantity from the difference between Λ andΛ polarizations after taking into account the larger probability of the Λ produced from the s quark fragmentation process compared to that from the u or d quark. The qualitative agreement between our calculation and the experimental data supports the existence of the intrinsic strange sea and the strange-antistrange asymmetry. Thus the polarization of Λ/Λ does open a new window to probe the nucleon sea properties, especially the strange content and its quark-antiquark asymmetry.The sea content of nucleons is a key focus in hadronic physics as there exist a number of anomalies in experiments, such as the proton spin problem [1] and the NuTeV anomaly [2,3]. Due to the nonperturbative nature of quantum chromodynamics(QCD) at low energy scale, it is complicated to theoretically calculate the sea properties and structures. Also, the limited data sensitive to the sea content of the nucleon from experiments makes the detailed sea structure remain obscure. Even the existence of the intrinsic sea quark and the strange quark-antiquark asymmetry are still under controversy. It is thus important to find experimental quantities that are sensitive to revealing the striking features of the nucleon sea content.From theoretical aspects, the existence of the intrinsic charm quark and the non-negligible uudcc Fock component in the proton was proposed in 1980 to explain the unexpectedly large cross section of charmed hadrons at high x F [4]. This intrinsic quark model has been extended to the light-quark sector with significant progress recently [5]. Under the frame of the intrinsic quark sea, several theoretical models were proposed to investigate the nonperturbative contributions to the nucleon asymmetric strange-antistrange sea distribution, such as the baryon-meson fluctuation model, the meson cloud model, and the chiral quark model [6][7][8][9][10][11]. This asymmetric distribution was thought to play an important role in the extraction of the Weinberg angle [12] from neutrino-nucleon deep inelastic scattering , and it has the potential to remove the NuTeV anomaly [13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20].From experimental aspects, the current constraints on * Electronic address: mabq@pku.edu.cn the strangeness mainly come from the neutrino dimuon production data. This is because a neutrino can resolve the flavor of the nucleon...