~~~ ~Whereas tropone (2) and a cyclopropanone 5 show rather normal ketone signals in their "0-NMR spectra, the two cyclopropenones la, and l b exhibit exceptionally high shielding, indicating a structure closer to a -0-formula than to a ketone. For comparison, an enolate and several phenolates have been measured. In order to test the ketonic character, the nucleophilic addition of water was determined by the rate of isotopic 0-exchange between ketone and water; 2 exchanged ca. 20 times slower than acetophenone, whereas l a reacted very much more slowly.Introduction. --Cyclopropenones 1 [l] are quite stable compounds, in spite of their high ring strain (estimated at 67 kcal/mol [2]) and in contrast to the less unsaturated cyclopropanones and cyclopropenes; this has been attributed to resonance stabilisation by polar formulae IS and 1C of which 1C represents a pseudoaromatic HuckeZ(2n +2) system (n = 0; see Schernr). The extent of aromaticity of 1, however, is still controversial.