Tetrahymena telomeres usually consist of ϳ250 base pairs of T 2 G 4 repeats, but they can grow to reach a new length set point of up to 900 base pairs when kept in log culture at 30°C. We have examined the growth profile of individual macronuclear telomeres and have found that the rate and extent of telomere growth are affected by the subtelomeric region. When the sequence of the rDNA subtelomeric region was altered, we observed a decrease in telomere growth regardless of whether the GC content was increased or decreased. In both cases, the ordered structure of the subtelomeric chromatin was disrupted, but the effect on the telomeric complex was relatively minor. Examination of the telomeres from non-rDNA chromosomes showed that each telomere exhibited a unique and characteristic growth profile. The subtelomeric regions from individual chromosome ends did not share common sequence elements, and they each had a different chromatin structure. Thus, telomere growth is likely to be regulated by the organization of the subtelomeric chromatin rather than by a specific DNA element. Our findings suggest that at each telomere the telomeric complex and subtelomeric chromatin cooperate to form a unique higher order chromatin structure that controls telomere length.
INTRODUCTIONTelomeres from most organisms exhibit a characteristic mean length that results from a balance between addition of telomeric DNA by telomerase or recombination and loss of DNA due to incomplete replication or nuclease activity (Greider, 1996;McEachern et al., 2000). If this balance is perturbed, telomeres grow or shrink until a new length set point is reached. Factors that control the balance, and hence regulate telomere length, include telomere and telomerase components, replication and repair proteins, and environmental conditions. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, more than a dozen different proteins have been shown to affect telomere length (Bourns et al., 1998;Blackburn, 2001), whereas rapid proliferation and increased culture temperature induce telomere growth in Tetrahymena, trypanosomes, and Candida albicans (Bernards et al., 1983;Larson et al., 1987;McEachern and Hicks, 1993).In organisms such as Tetrahymena and S. cerevisiae that have relatively short telomeres (250 -350 nt), the entire telomeric tract can be packaged into a nonnucleosomal complex (Blackburn and Chiou, 1981;Wright et al., 1992;Cohen and Blackburn, 1998), but in organisms with longer telomeres, the telomeric DNA is bound by a combination of nucleosomes and specialized telomere proteins (Tommerup et al., 1994). Both short and long telomeres seem to be subject to a second level of packaging that involves folding or looping of the telomeric tract to form a more compact higher order structure (Grunstein, 1997;Griffith et al., 1999). In S. cerevisiae, this folding is mediated by protein-protein interactions with the telomere protein Rap1 interacting with SIR proteins bound to nucleosomes along the subtelomeric region (Grunstein, 1997). In vertebrate and plant cells, the folding seems ...