Human heme oxygenase is induced by its substrate heme, but not induced by heat shock [Yoshida et al. (1988) Eur. J . Biochem. 1 7 / , 457-4611. In order to study the molecular mechanisms of heme-mediated induction of human hcmc oxygenase, we have isolated and characterized the genomic clones for heme oxygenase. The human heme oxygenase gene (HO gene) is about 14 kb long and organized into five exons. The transcription initiation site was identified by S1 nuclease mapping and primer-extension analyses. Using HeLa whole cell extracts, we confirmed that the transcription of the cloned HO gene is initiated accurately at the assigned initiation site. In its 5'-flanking region, a potential heat-shock element (HSE) is present 367 bp upstream from the initiation site, although, in contrast to rat heme oxygenase, human enzyme is not induced by heat shock. We therefore analyzed the effects of heat shock on the transient expression of chimeric fusion genes harboring the promoter of the human HO gene ligated to the Escherichia coli gene gpt in mouse amelanotic melanoma cells. The 5'-flanking region of the human HO gene bearing a potential HSE failed to confer the heat-inducibility of gpt RNA production, suggesting that the HSE of the human HO gene is not functional.Heme oxygenase, an essential enzyme in heme catabolism, cleaves heme to form biliverdin [l], which is subsequently converted to bilirubin by biliverdin reductase in mammals [2]. The activity of heme oxygenase is highest in the spleen, where senescent erythrocytes (nearly 1 YO of erythrocytes in man) are sequestrated and destroyed every day. Heme oxygenase also plays an important role in determining the availability of cellular heme for various hemoproteins, such as cytochrome P-450, catalase and tryptophan pyrrolase [3]. It is therefore of particular significance that the activity of heme oxygenase is increased by its substrate heme [4, 51 as well as by various non-heme substances [3]. The increased activity of heme oxygenase may result in the depletion of cellular free heme and cause functional disturbances of such hemoproteins (reviewed in [6]).Recently, we have cloned and characterized the rat heme oxygenase gene (HO gene) [7]. Its 5'-flanking region contains a potential heat-shock element (HSE), which was originally found in the 5'-flanking regions of heat-shock protein genes and conferred the transcriptional induction of these genes by environmental derangements (reviewed in [S, 91). We thus found that rat heme oxygenase is a heat-shock protein and hemin induces heme oxygenase by a different mechanism from heat shock [lo]. In contrast to rat enzyme, human heme oxygenase is not induced by heat shock, suggesting that human enzyme is not a heat-shock protein, although hemin increases both mRNA levels and activity of heme oxygenase in human macrophages and glioma cells [I 11.In order to study the regulation of its expression, we have cloned and characterized the human HO gene. In this report, we show the structural organization of the gene and present the nucl...