The retroviral oncogene x-myb encodes a nuclear, sequence-specific DNA-binding protein. To investigate the possibility that \-myb encodes a transcriptional regulator, we used a transient cotransfection assay to explore the potential of \-myb to influence the expression of other genes. We found that expression of a chicken lysozyme promoter/CAT gene construct was activated by \-myb in the presence of myft-specific binding sites. Activation was not observed with a truncated \-myb protein lacking its DNA-binding domain. We also observed that expression of a hybrid human HSP70 promoter/CAT gene, lacking myb-specific binding sites, was activated by \-myb. However, in this case, the truncated \-myb protein, which lacked its DNA-binding domain, also activated HSP70/CAT expression, indicating that trdns-activation of this gene construct was independent of the sequence-specific DNA-binding activity of the \-myb protein. These observations suggest that \-myb encodes a trans-activator and that activation of gene expression occurs by two different mechanisms, one of which involves specific binding of v-myb protein to the regulated gene.