Isoleucine and alanine tRNAs are encoded tandemly within the 16S-23S intergenic spacer of some eubacterial rRNA gene clusters. Southern hybridization analysis and DNA sequence analysis demonstrated a novel gene organization for an rRNA gene cluster on the Streptococcus pneumoniae chromosome. A sequence specifying an alanine tRNA was found within the intergenic spacer, but no sequence specifying an isoleucine tRNA was found there. Southern hybridization analysis indicated that the location of the isoleucine tRNA gene was near the 5S rRNA gene in two of four rRNA gene clusters.Typically, the gene organization of eubacterial rRNA gene clusters is 5'-16S-23S-5S-3' (2 and references within; 20), although several exceptions have been observed (12,21,23 Southern hybridization analysis of rRNA and spacer tRNA genes. Total DNA was extracted (11) and purified from late-log-phase cultures of S. pneumoniae (ATCC 33400). The concentration of the DNA preparation was determined by the diphenylamine assay as previously described (6). In separate reactions, 1 ,ug of total DNA was digested with either HindlIl or PstI. Conditions for the digestions were those specified by the supplier of the restriction endonucleases (Bethesda Research Laboratories, Inc., Gaithersburg, Md.). The restriction digests and lambda HindIll fragments were electrophoresed in a 1% agarose gel. The fractionated DNA was transferred to a solid support membrane (Nytran; Schleicher & Schuell, Inc., Keene, N.H.) as previously described (19). The membrane-bound DNA fragments were sequentially probed with 5'-end-labeled [y-32P] ATP oligodeoxyribonucleotides specific for the three rRNA genes and the tRNAIle and tRNAAla genes. Probes are described in Table 1. The 5S rDNA probe was mixed, in that the sixth nucleotide was synthesized with equimolar ratios of all four deoxyribonucleotides, because of the variability at that position in eubacterial 5S rRNAs. Conditions for prehybridizations, hybridizations, and probe removal were those specified by the supplier of the hybridization membrane (Schleicher & Schuell). Figure 1 shows the results of the hybridization experiments. Estimated sizes of the DNA fragments that hybridized with the probes are presented in Most striking of our observations was the lack of similarity between the hybridization patterns generated from the tDNAIIe and tDNAAla probes. Two signals corresponding to 6.1 and 3.5 kb in the HindIII-digested DNA were observed from the hybridization with the tDNAI'e probe. Four signals corresponding to 6.1, 3.5, 3.2, and 2.5 kb were observed when the 5S rDNA probe was hybridized against the HindIII-digested DNA. Two signals corresponding to 8.9 and 7.1 kb in the PstI-digested DNA were observed from the hybridization with the tDNAIle probe. Four signals corresponding to 20.0, 8.9, 7.8, and 7.1 kb were observed following hybridization of the 5S rDNA probe to PstI-digested DNA. Thus, the two signals from the tDNAIle hybridization correspond to two of the four signals from the 5S rDNA hybridization (HindlIl-or PstI-di...