The HindII + I11 restriction fragment J (Hind-J) represents 4.58% of the simian virus 40 genome. The information present in Hind-J is expressed as part of the major, late 16-S messenger RNA, which codes for the structural protein VP1. The nucleotide sequence of the 240-base-pairslong Hind fragment J has been determined by analysis of each oligonucleotide from both strands resulting from TI or pancreatic RNase digestion of RNA transcribed from the DNA and from RNase digestion of ribo-substituted DNA. Large oligonucleotide blocks which could be constructed mainly on the basis of complementarity were subsequently ordered by partial chemical degradation of terminally labeled DNA. This direct DNA sequencing approach also completely confirmed the results obtained by both aforementioned RNase degradation methods.In the strand with the same polarity as the late mRNA, triplets corresponding to termination codons are present in two of the three reading frames. The one open reading frame connects in phase with the open reading frame of the neighboring HindII + I11 fragments K, F and G, which have been published previously and which together with Hind-J span the total VP1 gene.Some features of the primary nucleotide sequence of this VP1 gene and the derived VP1 amino acid sequence are discussed.The simian virus 40 (SV40) virion contains one major structural protein, VP1, and two minor structural proteins, VP2 and VP3. The major, late SV40 mRNA, which sediments at 16-S, has been mapped between SV40 map positions 0.945 and 0.175 [2-41 and has been shown to code for VP1 15-71. This assignment of the VP1 gene is in agreement with the results obtained by several different approaches :Abbreviations. Nomenclature and abbreviations for the restriction endonucleases and restriction fragments have been defined by Smith and Nathans [I] : restriction endonuclease mixture HindII + I11 is from Huemophiius influenzae strain d; AluI is from Arthrobaetrr luteus; MboI is from Moraxella bovis; Hue111 is from Haemophilus aegyptius. Cm-RNase is pancreatic ribonuclease A with an c-carboxymethyl group on lysine-41. Our standard nomenclature for the subfragments generated by one or several digestions of the Hind11 + 111 fragment J with restriction enzymes is as follows:capital letters refer to the restriction enzyme used (E stands for HaeIII, A for AluI, M for MboI, H for Hind11 + 111); numbers indicate the relative size of the generated subfragments (1 > 2 > 3).