Beta-decay rates for exotic nuclei with N=126 relevant to r-process nucleosynthesis are studied up to Z=78 by shell-model calculations. The half-lives for the waiting-point nuclei obtained, which are short compared to a standard FRDM, are used to study r-process nucleosynthesis in neutrino-driven winds and magneto-hydrodynamic jets of core-collapse supernova explosions as well as in binary neutron star mergers. The element abundances are obtained up to the third peak as well as beyond the peak region up to thorium and uranium. Thorium and uranium are found to be produced more with the shorter shell-model half-lives and their abundances come closer to the observed values in core-collapse supernova explosions, while in case of binary neutron star mergers they are produced as much as the observed values rather independent of the half-lives.KEYWORDS: beta-decay rate, r-process nucleosynthesis, shell-model, core-collapse supernova explosion, neutron star merger We use the present SM half-lives, which are short compared to the conventional ones of FRDM [3], to study r-process nucleosynthesis in various astrophysical conditions to obtain possible hints for the r-process site which is still under controversy.