In September 1985 a task group on the clinical utility of labelled antibodies was founded by the Society of Nuclear Medicine - Europe. This document was elaborated to report the aims and the programs of the group. In September 1986 the European Nuclear Medicine Society decided to participate in this initiative and a joint task group was created. INITIAL DOCUMENT: A. The aims to the Task Group are to monitor, co-ordinate and promote research and clinical application of techniques using radiolabelled antibodies in nuclear medicine. A.1. The Group should develop into a major point of reference, giving scientific and technical support to each member of the Society involved in this field. B. To pursue these purposes it will be necessary to develop the following: B.1. Criteria to evaluate the suitability of antigen-antibody systems for tumour detection and/or therapy. B.2. Criteria for quality control of radioimmunoreagents. B.3. Criteria for the prevention of adverse reactions or damage due to the reagent. B.4. Selection of suitable dosimetric methods for diagnostic or therapeutic applications. B.5. Elaboration of protocols for clinical experiments, including appropriate techniques to be applied in single cases. B.6. Organization of cooperative studies. C. The Task Group should promote: C.1. Informal meetings between the members of the Group. C.2. Workshops open to the members of the Society and other researchers. C.3. Publication of reports in appropriate journals.