-We consider a solution of the effective four-dimensional brane-world equations, obtained from the General Relativistic Schwarzschild metric via the principle of Minimal Geometric Deformation, and investigate the corresponding signatures stemming from the possible existence of a warped extra-dimension. In particular, we derive bounds on an extradimensional parameter, closely related with the fundamental gravitational length, from the experimental results of the classical tests of General Relativity in the Solar system.Introduction. -Brane-world (BW) models [1] represent a well-known branch of contemporary highenergy physics, inspired and supported by string theory. These models are indeed a straightforward 5D phenomenological realisation of the Hořava-Witten supergravity solutions [2], when the hidden brane is moved to infinity along one extra-dimension, and the moduli effects from the remaining compact extra-dimensions may be neglected [3]. The brane self-gravity, encoded in the brane tension σ, is one of the fundamental parameters appearing in all BW models, with σ