Recently T. Bridgeland defined a complex hyperkähler metric on the tangent bundle over the space of stability conditions of a triangulated category, based on a Riemann-Hilbert problem determined by the Donaldson-Thomas invariants. This metric is encoded in a function W (z, θ) satisfying a heavenly equation, or a potential F (z, θ) satisfying an isomonodromy equation. After recasting the RH problem into a system of TBA-type equations, we obtain integral expressions for both W and F in terms of solutions of that system. These expressions are recognized as conformal limits of the 'instanton generating potential' and 'contact potential' appearing in studies of D-instantons and BPS black holes. By solving the TBA equations iteratively, we reproduce Joyce's original construction of F as a formal series in the rational DT invariants. Furthermore, we produce similar solutions to deformed versions of the heavenly and isomonodromy equations involving a non-commutative star-product. In the case of a finite uncoupled BPS structure, we rederive the results previously obtained by Bridgeland and obtain the so-called τ function for arbitrary values of the fiber coordinates θ, in terms of a suitable two-variable generalization of Barnes' G function.1 Since hyperkähler (HK) and quaternion-Kähler (QK) spaces are parametrized by solutions of non-linear differential equations often known as heavenly equations, we refer to such quaternionic metrics as 'heavenly', irrespective of their precise nature. See [1] and [2] for the original descriptions in the four-dimensional HK and QK cases,and [3] for a recent discussion of the higher dimensional case.2 In the context of class S field theories, the full space of stability conditions Stab(D) [16] can be interpreted as the total space of the Coulomb branch fibration over the conformal manifold, but the significance of the complex HK metric on M is yet to be understood.