The crustacean communities in Chilean seasonal pools have been poorly studied, and much of the existing literature is restricted to southern Patagonian plains, whereas there are no studies available about other sites. The aim of the present study is to describe the aquatic crustaceans in shallow pools in Huentelauquén (31°S, central northern Chile). The species reported upon include Daphnia ambigua, Simocephalus serrulatus, Boeckella gracilipes, Ostracoda, and two unidentified clam shrimps (genera Lynceus and Leptestheria), which latter ones represent the first record of these taxa for Chile. The ecological results revealed low species numbers and non-structured patterns in the various species associations. The exposed results are markedly different from observations on other Chilean seasonal pools, where no clam shrimps can be found, and where primarily cladocerans, copepods, and amphipods occur in the crustacean communities.